Assistència Social


In 2010, there was an employee who worked at Fullstar for about one year diagnosed leukemia. Her condition was very awful. The monthly medical expenses are very high for her family. Once Fullstar knew the situation, Fullstar organized donations right away to help employees tide over the difficulties.


Since Fullstar was established in 1993, Fullstar has always been a socially responsible company. It has always been committed to providing employees with a good job and living environment. It also provides employees with various cultural and sports activities and arranges employees to participate in various skills training. It helps employees to enhance their ability to help employees with difficulties to overcome difficulties, give back to the community, and help more people.


Fullstar està classificat com a contribuent a la ciutat de Xiantao cada any. La nostra empresa és financerament transparent. Fullstar també inverteix una gran quantitat de diners cada any en renovació d'equips i actualitzacions tecnològiques. Es compromet a oferir als clients productes més optimitzats.

Social Assistance

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